GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Contract Description: Under the MAS Program, GSA issues long-term government-wide contracts that provide federal, state, and local government buyers access to commercial products, services and solutions at pre-negotiated pricing. The GSA Schedule is structured to support the 12 large categories established by OMB under the category management approach of smarter buying. MAS is further divided into subcategories and Special Item Numbers (SINs) that are aligned to NAICS codes to simplify the process for buyers and sellers to understand the scope of GSA’s offerings and find the products and services they are looking to buy or offer.
NikSoft has been awarded four SINS:
Health Information Technology Services (SIN 54151HEAL) - The Health IT Services SIN includes professional services and/or professional labor categories that perform the following services:
Connected health
Electronic health records
Emerging research
Health analytics
Health informatics
Health information exchanges
Innovative solutions
Personal health information management
Other health IT services
Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS, SIN 54151HACS) - The HACS SINs represents high-quality cybersecurity services. NikSoft has been awarded all four HACS SIN subcategories:
132-45A Penetration Testing is security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system, or network.
132-45B Incident Response services help organizations impacted by a cybersecurity compromise determine the extent of the incident, remove the adversary from their systems, and restore their networks to a more secure state.
132-45C Cyber Hunt activities are responses to crisis or urgent situations within the pertinent domain to mitigate immediate and potential threats. Cyber Hunt activities start with the premise that threat actors known to target some organizations in a specific industry or specific systems, are likely to also target other organizations in the same industry or with the same systems.
132-45D Risk and Vulnerability Assessment conducts assessments of threats and vulnerabilities; determines deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise, or local policy; assesses the level of risk; and develops and/or recommends appropriate mitigation countermeasures in operational and non-operational situations. This SIN offers the following services:
Network Mapping
Vulnerability Scanning
Phishing Assessment
Wireless Assessment
Web Application Assessment
Operating System Security Assessment (OSSA)
Database Assessment
Penetration Testing
Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM, SIN 541519ICAM) - Identity, Credentialing and Access Management (ICAM) SIN includes managed service offerings for electronic credentials (assurance levels IAL, AAL, and FAL), identity and access management, authentication, and identity and access management professional services……. support planning, risk assessment, deployment, implementation and integration of Identity and Access Management (IAM) with customer agency applications, both certificate-based and noncertificate- based.
Information Technology Professional Services (SIN 54151S) - MAS Information Technology's Special Item Number (SIN) 54151S for all IT Professional Services includes:
Cognitive computing
Conversion and implementation support
Database planning and design
Internet of Things (IoT)
IT project management
Migration services (of all kinds)
Network services
Resources and facilities management
Systems analysis, design, and implementation
Other services relevant to 29 CFR 541.400.
Contract Information
Contract Number: GS-35F-0125R
Period of Performance: Present through 17 November 2024
GSA IT 70 Website:
Prompt payment terms: 30 Days
Point of Contact:
Rudy De Los Reyes
Chief Growth Officer
(319) 310-8775